That could mean Africa, Black America, Black in Europe or elsewhere in the world, interest in Black opinion or lifestyle, wanting to know more about the mutual lifes (Black or white, European or Black,...), looking to find a new friend or making contact to refugees, people with illegal status or in trouble, offering help, looking for a lost friend or family-member...)
We assure you that as far as we are concerned this initiative is only and strictly private, without political or commercial influence or interest and that we will keep all information (other than directed to and for the board) absolutely confidential. We are asking you to do the same.
As we have no experience with such a board so far we want to keep it simple, we will give out no further restrictions now - and will see what happens and if there are more rules necessary.
So if you want to place an (interesting) free add, send an e-mail to
If it meets our standards we will notify you with a registration-number when your add is published.
When you want to send an answer to an add you can either answer directly to the person (if they left their e-mail open) or please send your answer in a comment to that specific add. We will do the rest.
Well, we hope you will have as much fun and success as we are having meeting you (hopefully!). Let's go, Friends...!!!!
Etta and crew